Key to Abbreviations:
AAS Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
ACAN Association of Cargo Airlines in NL
AACC WG Airtravel Advertising Codeof Conduct Working Group
ACM Autoriteit Consument en Markt (former Consumenten Autoriteit-Opta-NMa)
ACN Air Cargo Nederland
ACG Airport Consultation Group (Airline Delgates Only)
ADRA Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation
AEA Association of European Airlines
AFARIN Association of Foreign Airline Representatives In NL
ANVR Algemeen Verbond van Reisondernemingen
APJC Airline Program Joint Counsel (IATA NL)
ATC Air Traffic Control
BAR Board of Airline Representatives
BARIN Board of Airline Representatives in the NL
BARINFO BARs INformation FOrum in greater Europe
BASC BARIN ADRA Steering Committee
BATS BARIN Alders Tafel Steeringcommittee
BC BARIN Chairman
BEB BARIN Executive Board
BCSC BARIN Cargo Steering Committee
BGA BARIN General Assembly
BGASC BARIN Government Affairs Steering Commitee
BIOSc BARIN ILT Overleg Steeringcommittee
BIG BARIN Informal Gathering
BSG BARIN Secretary General
CA Consumenten Autoriteit (former Dutch Consumer Authority, is now ACM)
CCO Chief Commercial Officer
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CIO Chief Information Officer
CoBo Consumentenbond (Consumer Association)
CFO Chief Financial Officer
COO Chief Operations Officer
CROS Commissie Regionaal Overleg luchthaven Schiphol
ELFAA European Low Fare Airlines Association
GASC (BARIN) Government Affairs Steering Committee
GcL Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart
GIS Geluids Isolatie Schiphol
IATA International Air Transport Association
IDFS Industry Distribution & Financial Services (IATA)
ILT Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (former IVW, part of Dutch Ministry of I en M – former Min. V en W)
IND Immigratie en Naturalisatie Dienst (part of Dutch Min. of Foreign Affairs and Justice)
LCAG Local Customer Advisory Group PAX and Cargo (IATA-NL)
Mbrs. Members
MoEA Minsitry of Economic Affairs
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoJ Ministry of Justice
MoIenM Ministry of Leefomgeving en Milieu (former Min. of Verkeer en Waterstaat)
Mtg. Meeting
NC SC BARIN Noise Charges Steering Committee
NMa Nederlandse Mededingings Autoriteit (former Dutch Competition Authority, is now ACM)
LVNL Lucht Verkeersleiding Nederland
NVLS NV Luchthaven Schiphol
OSO Operationeel Schiphol Overleg
ProGIS Project Uitvoering Geluids Isolatie Schiphol
SAOC Schiphol Airline Operators Committee
SER Sociaal Economische Raad Nederland
SFGL Stichting Financiering Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart
SG Secretary General
SGrp Schiphol Groep
SGC Stichting Geschillen Commissies Consumentenzaken
SLTT SGStaff Leisure Travel Taxation (BARIN) Steering Group
SOL Stroomlijnen Overheidsinterventies Luchtvaart
SPL Schiphol
SRC Stichting Reclame Code (Advertising Code Authority)
SSO Schiphol Strategisch Overleg
TFAC Task Force AAS Charges
VpS Veiligheids platform Schiphol
V&W former Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat is now Min. van I en M
WG Working Group
For corresponding websites of a number of the above mentioned organisations click on "Links" button on the homepage of our website