

KLM update flight changes due to travel restrictions

By Newsletters
KLM, Amstelveen, 14 March 2020
Worldwide, many countries are restricting travel on passenger flights. These restrictions are sometimes introduced at very short notice. For the coming days KLM will operate as much as possible according to schedule to allow passengers to return to their homes.

If a country bans passengers from entry, but flights are allowed, KLM will operate as much as possible to allow passengers who are in that country to return home.

Passengers are strongly advised to inform themselves about the restrictions applicable to their journey. On the KLM flight update page and in the IATA Travel Centre more information is available.

Due to the sheer volume of rebookings KLM staff is extremely busy. Therefore it can take some time before KLM will be able to reach out to customers to find a solution for their situation. If your flight is not scheduled in the coming days, please return to our site at a later time.

Answers to frequently asked questions by passengers about coronavirus, rebooking, et cetera please can be found at

BNL 16 Dec.09 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter

By Newsletters

(below a copy of the original BNL sent by email – with the exception of blue marked click on links, all other "click on" or "….read more>>" links are only operational in original email message)

16 December BARIN NEWS LETTER 2009
for our Industry Colleagues – Associates – Preferred Suppliers – Sponsors


I n v i t a t i o n for the traditional BARIN New Year Gathering
on Friday 15 January 2010 from 17 to 20.00 hrs.
hosted by the renowned SCHIPHOL HILTON’s Tantalizing Drinks & Grand Buffet Treat, for all BARIN -Members -their Management Assistants -Industry Colleagues -Associcates and -Sponsors invitees

BARIN Chairman New Year’s Address by Huib Gorter
and Special – Guest – Speaker ir. Camiel M.P.S. Eurlings
Minister of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management of The Netherlands

For regular updates on attending invitees click on BARIN New Year Gathering 2010

* The Ticket Tax, reduced to ZERO per July 2009, is to be abolished by tax law per budget year 2010 as submitted by the Dutch Government’s to the Dutch Houses of Parliament by means of their Governments Annual Budget 2010 presentation ( Miljoenen Nota) in autumn 2009 .

On 18 Nov.09 the Parliament House of Representatives approved the proposal; subsequently it requires Senate approval-confirmation.

*Subsequent to the AAS consultations with the airlines in Oct.09 AAS has reconfirmed to freeze the AAS charges as from April 2010, but leaves the option open to reconsider this decision as per AAS charges effective per Nov. 2010. In addition AAS committed to progress in taking further cost

-reduction and -efficiency measures, as well as measures to improve on accessibility and passenger service improvements to make AAS "the most preferred airport in Europe",

BARIN is of the opinion that this AAS approach is a very positive step in the right direction, and encourages AAS to implement more cost cutting and cost efficiency measures as soon as possible, in lieu with Dutch Government ( majority share holder of the Schiphol Group) support, in order to lower the AAS charges even further to a realistic competitive level.

* On 25 Nov.09 at the Dutch Aviation Group "Nederlandse Luchtvaart Agenda" symposium the Minister of Economic Affairs stated that Dutch Government reduction measures on Security and related costs will be announced in the early part of 2010.

* The ADRA NL-GcL NL (ADRA NL " Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation in The Netherlands"- "Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart Nederland") operates as per 1 July 2009 in accordance with the so-called "Reglement" as agreed by the prime stake holders BARIN and Consumentenbond on the basis of the explicit condition, as agreed with the Minister of Transport mr. C. Eurlings , BARIN, the Consumers Association "Consumentenbond" (Cobo) and the Foundation of Consumer Complaints Boards (FCCB) "Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken" (SGC), that a subsequent speedy implementation in the EU member states has to be realised in order to assure a level playing field within the European Union. The parties involved therefore requested the Minister of Transport to do everything possible to realise such ADRA-EU committee.

Agreement on the required funding for the SGC (Foundation of Consumer Complaints Boards (FCCB) …read more>>) cost budget for the first operational ADRA-NL year, in accordance with the principal "Reglement" as stipulated by BARIN and Cobo, has been reached. The SGC performs the facilitating/executing role in The Netherlands for the ADRA NL, and is soliciting to perform the same implementation role for the other EU member states, as per the agreed perspective that an essential level playing field within the EU is to be required. The Dutch ADRA can be used as the "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA NL has gained sufficient running experience in The Netherlands.

For background info we refer to the BARIN announcement placed on our website home page, section: "Publications"; click on: Geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland met een Europees perspectief , and the press release issued by the Ministry of Transport at the time of the before mentioned press conference. Or go to the Members Room section "BARIN Points of View" and click on: Min. of Transport Press Conf. on ADRA launch 24 Nov.08 and ADRA launch Pressconf. 24 Nov.08.

From the start it has also been made explicitly clear that the branch organisation BARIN does- and and can not dispose of financial funds in this respect, i.e. the realisation of the establishment and operation of this Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee depends, among other 3rd party funding, predominantly on funding from an ADRA Levy of ten eurocents per applicable passenger, to be collected as from 1 April 2010 from the BARIN-member-airlines and non-BARIN member airlines directly registered for ADRA NL compliance with the SGC, by the Dutch airports for this purpose. The Foundation Financing ADRA NL ( Stichting Financiering Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart-SFCL) has been set up to administer the charges income for- and expenditures of the ADRA NL . This foundation will make sure that a fully transparent financial administration will be kept for this purpose. The Ministry of Transport (MoT) and Cobo have agreed to support this set up.

Furthermore, it is expected from the Dutch Government to use their maximum influence to give their effective support to ensure that non-BARIN members airlines, active in the Netherlands , will also will comply with the dispute settlement regime as set up by the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee in the Netherlands. In that vein the Minister of Transport sent a letter on 9 November 2009 … more>> to all non-BARIN-member-airlines active in The Netherlands.

An informative Flyer in Dutch and English on the ADRA NL ……read more >>, will be produced in adequate numbers to be available for all airlines, for them to hand out to passengers who face occurrences in relation to the three EU Directives covered by the ADRA NL. Information on how, where, and as from when you can obtain this ADRA NL Flyer, will follow as soon as the Flyer has been printed and ready for distribution. The flyer on the ADRA NL will be available for airlines, Cobo, MoT, SGC, and ANVR for posting on websites, or/and to hand out to the consumer, when appropriate.

The special January BARIN General Assembly on 15 Jan.10 will focus on the ADRA NL, i.e. in cooperation with the MoT – SGC -Cobo, a full briefing session for all airline companies, BARIN and Non BARIN members active in The Netherlands, will be given in order to make sure that all will be/become aware of the merits to comply with the ADRA NL.

The first Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee meeting will take place on 18 December 2009 and a further three ADRA-NL committee meetings are planned by the SGC in the first half of 2010.

An evaluation by the prime stakeholders BARIN and Cobo together with the MoT and SGC, as agreed by the Minister of Transport with the Dutch Parliament, will take place in January 2010.

* Decision on 19th Nov.09 by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that widened the scope of the Denied Boarding Regulation 261/2004 (“the Regulation”) on the liability of airlines to pay compensation to passengers. The ECJ ruled that passengers on flights whose arrival at their final destination is delayed by three hours or more are entitled to statutory compensation, despite this not being provided for in the Regulation. The ruling has taken the whole industry by surprise and airlines are only beginning to comprehend its severity, and the financial implications of the decision for the industry are insurmountable.

On 8 Dec.09 C.E.O.s of leading airtravel industry companies in the UK have written a letter ….read more>> to the UK Secretary of State of Transport calling for immediate action and to rectify the situation, and therefor seeking UK Government support to achieve this objective.

On 14 Dec.09 IATA made the following statement:

– It is in everybody’s interest to operate on schedule
– Delays and cancellations are inconvenient for passengers and costly for airlines
– The opinion makes delays eligible for financial compensation
– This could add up to EUR 5 billion to industry costs annually
– For example, a three hour delay of an Airbus A319 could require compensation of up to EUR40,000
– It is an incentive that cannot deliver value
– Delays are often beyond the control of airline (weather, mechanical, air traffic congestion/strikes etc).
– Airlines will likely have to pass some additional cost to the passenger
– Operational delays and cancellations are a customer service issue
– In a competitive industry market discipline is a more effective tool than badly drafted, confusing and complex legislation
– The ECJ opinion is making this poorly drafted complex consumer protection legislation even worse
– The industry is examining legal options to challenge the opinion

* The prime ADRA NL stakeholders BARIN and the Consumentenbond have been asked whether there are any changes to be expected in relation to the 19 Nov.09 ECJ verdict re. the EUC Denied Boarding Regulation. There is no need for such consequently the following formal statement has been given by BARIN and Consumentenbond:
Desgevraagd zien BARIN en de Consumentenbond in de uitspraak van het Hof geen aanleiding noch noodzaak om het Reglement van de GcL NL aan te passen. Het is uiteindelijk de Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart als zodanig die moet bepalen of en in hoeverre de uitspraak van het Hof in daarvoor in aanmerking komende geschillen kan/moet meewegen. Zij zal dat doen binnen de kaders van het huidige reglement, dat is vastgesteld voor de Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart Nederland. Voorzitters en leden van de Geschillencommissie zijn volkomen onafhankelijk en onpartijdig. Overigens zal er in januari een evaluatie starten van de geschillencommissie, inclusief het reglement.

* The BARIN Weblog has been added to the BARIN website to accomodate public discussions on issues, concerning BARIN topics . The BARIN BLOG link is available on the website, pages " about BARIN" en "Publications"

Anyone who would like to voice a BARIN related opinion should send us a message and we will post such opinion for reaction/discussion in the BARIN BLOG. Don’t hesitate to make use of this tool and click on: BARIN BLOG . The "Feed" mode will keep you up to date on latest postings.
The BARIN weblog editor will monitor/screen reactions on its "relevant and proper" content. The editor-posting-screen-authority could result in posting refusals.
We invite BNL readers’ contribution , by reacting, commenting, and/or voicing points of view in the BARIN BLOG, or send your reactions or Point Of Views (POVs) to: and we post those in the BARIN BLOG .

*We welcome KPMG-Meijburg as appointed BARIN Preferred Supplier. Click on: preferred suppliers to obtain more information.

* To have a look at who is who in the BARIN -Executive Board -Steering Committees and -Working Groups click on: The BARIN Executive Board Members

* On all above mentioned subjects more details are available in the Members’ Room or in other sections of our website .

We wish you a wonderful festive season, and we are looking forward to raise glasses with you on a Prosperous 2010 at the BARIN New Year Gathering on 15 January in the Schiphol HILTON.

Press Review per 16 December 2009

Update latest press clippings and publications December/ November on the homepage, button "Publications".

Click on:

December – 2009
Halving Emissions by 2050 -Aviation Brings its Targets to Copenhagen
Luchtvaart dieper in verliezen – Koepelorganisatie Iata waarschuwt voor $ 5,6 mrd aan verliezen wereldwijd in 2010
US$5.6 Billion Loss Expected In 2010 Low Yields and Rising Costs Keep Industry in the Red
Hollandse Ster nieuwe topman Easyjet?
Piet Hein Debets per direct weg bij SGR
EasyJet CEO Harrison to resign
Bmi sells Heathrow slots as it plots recovery
Crisis in City raakt Rotterdam Airport
‘Rating’ Schiphol zet streep door superdividend
KLM en Garuda tekenen samenwerkingsovereenkomst
Bos: dit jaar geen superdividend Schiphol
Hoe nu verder met DBC-Verordening ? Vraagtekens bij uitspraak ECJ van 19 Nov09
TUI en MP stelen show op DAG-symposium
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol invests in expansion and quality
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol welcomes Emirates Airlines
What the new wave of direct connections could mean for airline-GDS relationships
Schiphol Smartgate Cargo kick off
TUI narrows full-year loss to £24 million
IATA: Industry profitable in third quarter but full-year prospects still bleak
SkyTeam voorzitter Leo van Wijk: China heeft onze prioriteit
Zakenreis: Top-25 Movers & Shakers in de Zakenreisbranche
IATA: Securing Aviation’s Future – Environment and Safety Top Priorities
Lichtpuntje in de luchtvaart

November – 2009
Court of Justice of the European Communities: Passengers whose flights are delayed may be entitled to compensation
bmi stopt met Amsterdam-Londen Heathrow
Irish Government Travel Tax Costs €482m, 3,000 Jobs & 1.2m Departing Passengers
Increases in Air Navigation Charges are a Slap in the Face for Airlines
TUI Nederland stevent af op beste bedrijfsresultaat in 13 jaar
easyJet demands legislation for cleaner aircraft
Commission updates the list of airlines banned from the European airspace
Easyjet zet eerste stap in luchtvrachtmarkt
Schiphol laat computer naaktbeelden bekijken
Luchtvaartsector wil niet weten van compensatiefonds voor gestrande passagiers
Miljoenen tegen vliegtuigherrie
‘COST-RECOVERY PRICING OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL MUST GO’ Airline crisis highlights ‘monopolistic’ practices, says AEA
Europeans have become less tolerant to aircraft noise, reports new EU-funded research project
Regulatory authorities report monitoring plans so far submitted cover nearly all aviation EU ETS emissions
European Parliament calls for more consumer protection from airline bankruptcy
Bmi announces fleet, route, job cuts
Martinair haalt jumbo’s uit woestijn
Bmi staakt routes van Heathrow naar Amsterdam en Brussel
Eurocontrol Unit Rate Proposals Unacceptable
Eurofly, Meridiana to merge, become Meridiana Fly
KLM operates first passenger biofuel test flight
AAPA blasts governments’ ‘unfair taxation’
KLM wil greep op vrijgevochten dochters Martinair en Transavia vergroten
Ryanair wil inchecken op vliegveld uitroeien
Vlucht vertraagd? Geld terug – Dat heeft het Europees Hof van Justitie bepaald
‘Bezem is door Europese luchtvaart gehaald’
EU citizens unaware of airline delays damages
ECJ rules airlines must compensate passengers on long-delayed flights
Ook vergoeding voor passagiers bij erg vertraagd vliegtuig
Air France-KLM schrapt 4.500 banen – Air France pakt oliehedging aan
Martinair: herinvoering business class
ACN Directeur Ben Radstaak "Blazen of Bouwen"
‘Niet alle vrachtvliegtuigen Air France-KLM met een rode staart’ – ‘Vrachtdivisie Air France-KLM op de schop’
NO END IN SIGHT TO AIRLINE CRISIS AS LATEST FIGURES SHOW NO SIGNS OF RECOVERY – AEA calls for stakeholder summit to create conditions necessary for recovery
Air France KLM continues to cut costs as loss narrows
’Zonder ingrijpen Brussel stort deel luchtvaart in’
Europese luchtvaart consolideert: wie hoort bij wie?
Governments Sign Principles for Liberalization-Historic Achievement
Nieuwe, Unieke en Gratis, Service Beschikbaar voor Luchtvaartmaatschappijen op Schiphol en Zaventem.
Vliegvakanties lijden meest onder crisis
European airports report on crisis fallout, renew call for competitive relief measures
BA, Iberia reach merger MOU; BA to control 55%, Walsh to be CEO
Uitstel voor uitbouw van Schipholhal
Afschaffen vliegtaks maakt Schiphol aantrekkelijker
Nieuwe aanval op Schiphol
Pressure grows for JAL restructuring; AA to fightDL tie-up
Maastricht Aachen Airport (MAA) : nieuw vrachtrecord door komst AirBridgeCargo (ABC)
ACI: Airports urge government endorsement on climate change
‘Fiscus subsidieert Schiphol’
Akkoord over nieuwe betalingsregeling
KLM neemt BSP-afspraken op de schop
Computer neemt grenscontrole op Schiphol over
Wie heeft het beste idee voor de toekomst van de luchtvaart
Arnold Burlage met pensioen; Benno Baksteen wuift hem uit & PUNT

For more pressclippings on industry topics… read more>>
For “BARIN Points of View” on industry issues & topics ….read more>>
Contact BARIN Phone +31 (0) 235267207 Fax +31 (0) 235265811 Email Websites
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BNL 17 Sep.09 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter

By Newsletters

Dear BNL readers,

It has been a while -Nov.08- that we issued the last BNL. This was caused by the large number of issues we had to address in the last 10 months, we could not coop. to cover in a BNL. It goes without saying that we kept our members fully briefed at the 5 BARIN General Assemblies held in the meantime.
We did however neglected you, our industry colleagues and associates, somewhat. Apologies.
A lot has taken place during this period, so we restrict ourselves in giving a short recap on the main issues, developments, achievements, and todate press reviews as from August only. For more info visit our website .

* The Ticket Tax has been reduced to ZERO per July 2009 and the Government’s plan is to abolish this tax law per budget year 2010.

In a joint effort with ANVR and IATA-BSP a mechanism has been set up to enable travel agents, touroperators, and airlines in NL to swiftly refund the already before 1 July paid TKT TAX by passengers, for departures after July 1, 2009.

Go to Members’ Room section "BARIN Points of View" for the following letters in the Section "Corr. State Secr. Fin. BARIN & Parliament Refund Tkt.Tax"
– Brief Staatssecretaris Jan Kees de Jager aan de BARIN d.d. 14 Sep.09
– Brief Staatssecretaris Jan Kees de Jager aan de Tweede Kamer d.d. 14 Sep.09
– Brief van BARIN aan Staatssecretaris Jan Kees de Jager d.d. 12 Jun.09

It is up to the Dutch Houses of Parliament to approve abolition of the TKT TAX, as proposed in the Budget 2010, by the Governments Annual Budget presentation ( Miljoenen Nota) on 14 Sep.09.

* The last couple of months BARIN, SAOC and KLM had various Executive Board Level Meetings with the Schiphol Group regarding very much needed changes in the AAS charges Consultation process with their prime stake holders – the airlines, aswell as exploring-discussions on very much required cost reductions and efficiency measures leading to AAS charges reduction. These talks were constructive, and the BARIN, SAOC and KLM delegations involved, do sense an encouraging change of attitude towards- and awareness of – stringent measures to be taken to regain a competitive position of AAS. The arrival of the new CEO mr. Jos Nijhuis seems to be noticeable in that vain.

*AAS has announced on 14 Sep.09 to freeze the AAS charges for the period April 2010 to March 2011.

BARIN is of the opinion that this AAS proposal is an encouraging first step in the right direction, but more cost cutting and cost efficiency measures have to be taken by AAS, in lieu with Dutch Government ( prime share holder of the Schiphol Group) support, in order to get AAS’s competition position back. BARIN has offered AAS their full cooperation to jointly find ways and means to achieve this essential goal ASAP, to our mutual interest!

*The formal Airline Consultation on this AAS proposal will take place on 1 October 2009.

* BARIN and SAOC reached agreement with AAS to refrain from retroactive correction on airport charges of Euro 6.5 million

* BARIN and KLM filed formal objections at the NMa regarding AAS charges effective per Apr.09, which resulted in a retroactive lowering of AAS charges with Euro 3,5 million by April 2009.

* The ADRA NL – GcL NL (ADRA NL " Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation in The Netherlands"- "Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart Nederland") operates as per 1 July 2009 in accordance with the so-called "Reglement" as agreed by the prime stake holders BARIN and Consumentenbond on the basis of the explicit condition, as agreed with the Minister of Transport mr. C. Eurlings , BARIN, the Consumers Association "Consumentenbond" (Cobo) and the Foundation of Consumer Complaints Boards (FCCB) "Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken" (SGC), that a subsequent speedy implementation in the EU member states has to be realised in order to assure a level playing field within the European Union. The parties involved therefore requested the Minister of Transport to do everything possible to realise such ADRA-EU committee.

Furthermore, it is expected from the Dutch Government to use their maximum influence and give their effective support to ensure that non-BARIN members airlines, active in the Netherlands , will also have to conform to the dispute settlements made by the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee.

In November Cobo, BARIN, MoT, and SGC will organise a full briefing session for all airline companies (BARIN or Non BARIN members) active in The Netherlands, in order to make sure that all will be/become aware of the merits to comply to the ADRA NL. In addition publicity and brochure material on the ADRA NL will be prepared for airlines, Cobo, MoT, and SGR, to hand out to the consumer, when appropriate.

At the various BARIN General Assemblies held this year extensive briefings by the BARIN ADRA Steering Committee (BASC) have been given and approvals on the developing agreements concerning the ADRA Committee in The Netherlands (and subsequently in the EU) principals and operation methods have been given. The Minister of Transport has been informed accordingly, and in reaction has complimented BARIN and Cobo with the results, timely reached for a 1 July 2009 start of the ADRA NL.

For the required funding arrangements an annual cost budget for the first year has been identified for the SGC (Foundation of Consumer Complaints Boards – FCCB) to operate the ADRA-NL according to the principal "Reglement" as set by BARIN and the Cobo. The SGC will accommodate, in a facilitating/executing role and on the basis of a European perspective, the Dutch ADRA; to be used as an adequate "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA has been up and running in The Netherlands.

For background info we refer to the BARIN announcement placed on our website home page, section: "Publications"; and in the Members’ Room public section "BARIN Points of View"click on: "Min. of Transport Press Conf. on ADRA launch 24 Nov.08 and ADRA launch Pressconf. 24 Nov.08".

Finalisation of the funding structure and a solution, to be found, regarding a dispute BARIN has with the MoT department, Inspectie Verkeer & Waterstaat (IVW), are to be expected in the next months. Once these issues have been cleared it is expected that there will be no outstanding issues in respect to the operation of the ADRA NL.

* After one year in operation the Advertising Code of Conduct on Travel Offerings has been evaluated by BARIN, ANVR, the Advertising Code Authority in NL (SRC), Cobo, and MoT. An amended and more stringent code has come into effect per April 2009. NS Hispeed has joined to comply with this Code of Conduct.

* In the first quarter of this year the BARIN SLTT Working Group has reached agreement with Dutch Tax Authorities on Zonal Fares as the taxation basis of Staff Leisure Air Travel, to be applied on Staff Leisure Air Travel Taxation effective as from the fiscal year 2009. All members concerned have been informed by BARIN, and received individually the respective agreement documents directly from the Tax Authority.

* In August an evaluation of the Dutch Aviation Act – chapter Economic Regulation – re. the "Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Operation decree" has commenced, initiated by the Ministry of Transport. This evaluation will call on all parties involved to give their opinion and input for improvement amendments. The evaluation process has various phases and will have to result into a Dutch Cabinet decision sometime in autumn 2010, for approval by the Houses of Parliament in spring 2011.

Economic regulation on 19 July 2006 the Amendment to the Dutch Aviation Act came into force in which the determination of charges and conditions is regulated. Schiphol was obliged to submit an allocation system which is the basis for determining the charges for aviation activities. This allocation system was approved by the NMa on 25 April 2007.

BARIN’s standpoint, expressed at the time of implementation of this Economic Regulation in July 2006, maintains its point of view that the amendment was a "A step in the right direction to secure by law NO abuse of power by a monopolist i.e. AAS". BARIN did however also voice that this Economic Regulation is not robust enough and pleas for a further amendment by adding additional essential measures to avoid the before mentioned abuse, and at the first available opportunity; which has come about at this current Evaluation, called by the Minister of Transport.

BARIN has identified these very much needed amendments and will present those in the Evaluation Hearings.

* Luchtvaart Nota – Alders Tafel
What is the Luchtvaart Nota about ? In a nutshell: the Luchtvaart Nota is paper stipulating the objectives of the Dutch Government for the Aviation sector. These objectives are a competing and sustainable network of an economically interesting network. This network has to support the optimal access to The Netherlands. The Government has chosen for a selective growth of high value traffic streams. These high value traffic streams is important for the Dutch economy on the one hand and on the other hand requires a high level of commitment for sustainability and safety.

Important issues:
Capacity for growth. The advise (result of meetings with all parties involved, such as local and regional governments, airports, traffic control, airlines) resulted in a "ceiling" number of 510.000 aircraftmovement till 2020.
Strengthen the economic regions of Randstad and Brabant by strengthening the point-to-point traffic from the airports Lelystad and Eindhoven
Support the development of Schiphol, Lelystad and Eindhoven by means of selectivity.
Land side structure to be optimized to guarantee the accessibility of Schiphol, Eindhoven and Lelystad.
Optimal competititive conditions of the airports in an international setting
Present Status
The government has finalized this strategically important document and the Permanent House of Representatives Committee for Transport (Vaste Kamer Commissie Transport) has planned a hearing, whereby the various stake holders can give their comments/input. BARIN is one of the stake holders invited for the hearing. This hearing has been postponed at the initiative of the Minister of Transport. The reason for postponing is the fact the Mr. Alders first likes to reach consensus with the stake holders in the area of Eindhoven and Lelystad. This consensus is required in order to get another formal “Alders Advise” for these two airports to facilitate a growth of traffic.
BARIN input for the Hearing.
Taking the BARIN objective into account to re-present the common interest of all its members, focus will be given on the issue of costs of using the airport(s).
In particular BARIN will focus on substantial cost reduction/efficiency needed regarding the, seemingly uncontrollable, costs in relation to Airport levies, Noise levies (such as on Insulation of Houses) spend by means of the Geluid Isolatie Schiphol (GIS) program and the overhead cost of the Schadeschap Schiphol, the stapling of Security measures bij EU, and Governments directives, excessive cost on Security, and on the obsolete Schengen / Non Schengen separation (ID/Passportless travel is not possible at this day and age) , investments- and running costs, especially at AAS.
In short in Dutch: "Schiphol is geen doel maar een middel om als "facilitator" de Nederlandse Economie maximaal te ondersteunen"

* Ruthi Lifshitz-Frankel has left the BARIN Executive Board, as she has taken up a new post at the EL AL Head Quarters in Tel Aviv.
William Vet(U2), Léon Jansen (OS), and Andy Wong (CX) joined the BARIN Executive Board earlier this year.
Pim de Goederen (JL) is heading theBARIN Cargo Steering Committee, which was set up in March.

For the BARIN Executive Board Members& Steering Committees & Working Group Members listing, click on: The BARIN Executive Board" in public section page "about BARIN".

· Er is een BARIN Weblog aan onze website toegevoegd t.b.v. zaken waar BARIN zich mee bezig houdt of belangrijk vindt en waar belangstellenden en/of betrokkenen hun mening of anderszins kunnen uiten. De BARIN BLOG link vindt je op de website , pagina’s " about BARIN" en "Publications"
Als je ‘s ‘n keer publiekelijk een relevant luchtvaart gerelateerd "punt wil drukken" , stuur ons dat dan en zetten we die in de BARIN BLOG voor reacties. Aarzel niet daar gebruik van te maken en bezoek – click op: – BARIN BLOG af toe toe eens. Je kunt ook middels de "Feed" mode op de hoogte gebracht worden, als er een nieuwe melding of reactie in de BLOG is geplaatst.
De BARIN weblog editor kijkt natuurlijk wel mee of een reactie "relevant and proper" is, anders wordt die niet geplaatst. "Spread the News" !
We invite BNL readers’ contribution , by reacting, commenting, and/or voicing points of view in the BARIN BLOG, or send your reactions or Point Of Views (POVs) to: and we post those in the BARIN BLOG.

* Alamo Rent a Car and Rabobank Schiphol Region joined as BARIN Preferred Suppliers. On home page click on: "preferred suppliers" to obtain more information.

* More information is available on our website .

* Press Review per 16 September 2009
Update latest press clippings and publications on the homepage, button "Publications".

September – 2009
IATA voorspelt groter verlies 2009, meer faillissementen
Luchtvaart stevent af op verlies van 11miljard dollar – Maatschappijen zullen de crisis nog harder voelen dan aanvankelijk voorspeld.
Deeper Losses Forecast – Falling Yields, Rising Fuel Costs
Keiharde strijd in luchtvaart – Drie megabedrijven blijven nog over
Schiphol bevriest havengelden
CPH agrees to freeze charges for 18 months
Europese luchtvaart verkeert in deplorabele toestand – Herstel nog ver te zoeken
Meeste reizigers kregen vliegtaks terug
Schiphol laat havengelden ongemoeid
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol will maintain charges unchanged on 1 April 2010
Schiphol Group: Net result for first half of 2009 declined by 76.6 % to EUR 22.4 million
Commissaris van de Koningin in Noord Holland Borghouts ( o.m. ook voorzitter Schadeschap Schiphol) treedt af
‘Vrachtdivisie Air France-KLM op de schop’
Air France-KLM zou vrachtvluchten willen onderbrengen bij Martinair
Air Berlin en TUIfly zien af van wederzijds aandeelhouderschap
‘Luchtvaart schoner, zuiniger, stiller’
Nieuw restaurant open in de oude verkeerstoren
Rustig winter op Schiphol
Fatsoen – – – Beschermd
Vliegtuigpassagier negeert klachtloket
Luchtvaartcrisis verdiept
‘Reisbureauboekingen op min 20%’

· August – 2009
Schiphol weg uit top tien van drukste luchthavens & Schiphol Koesteren
‘Voor reiswereld is 2009 een verloren jaar’ – Minder mensen op zomervakantie
Continental Airlines to Join Star Alliance on Oct. 27, 2009
Air China raises stake in Cathay Pacific to nearly 30%
Schiphol valt weg uit top van mondiale luchthavens
Ryan Air niet automatisch de goedkoopste
‘Bijna een op de acht vliegtuigen staat aan de grond’
Peter Hartman, CEO KLM: ‘Iedereen heeft verstand van luchtvaart’
Air Traffice World Wide (Video)
Nearly 4,000 aircraft operators could potentially be included in the EU ETS, according to revised EC list
EL AL – NL General Manager and BARIN Executive Board Member Ruthi Lifshitz-Frankel appointed World Wide Sales Manager
Griep – Schade
Reissector blijft knoeien met prijzen – Internetbureaus voeren nu ’variabele kosten’ op
New airlines make their entree: Amsterdam Airport
IATA: Second-quarter improvement ‘disappointingly small’
BARIN Guest of Honor Astronaut André Kuipers in Dec. 2011 for 2nd time to Int. Space Ship (ISS)
Wit-Russische luchtvaartmaatschappij Belavia vluchten naar Schiphol.
Prijsvechter Air Arabia van start op nieuwe route naar Schiphol
Flinke afname vervoer Nederlandse luchthavens
KLM bereidt zich voor op dreigende uitbraak H1N1
IATA: Passenger demand stabilizing, revenue declines remain ‘shocking’
Nieuw EETCAFÉ in Oude Verkeerstoren Schiphol Oost (video)
Lufthansa reaches accord with EC on Austrian deal, still targeting 2009 operating profit

Contact BARIN Phone +31 (0) 235267207 Fax +31 (0) 235265811 Email Websites

BNL 24 Nov.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter

By Newsletters

BNL 24 Nov.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter for Industry Colleagues and Associates

* The first round of ADRA Working Group (BARIN and Consumentenbond) formal talks on setting up a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation" ( Europese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart),resulted on 4 November 2008 in the outlines of a joint – BARIN and Consumentenbond – draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee (Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart) in the Netherlands, taking into account the explicit conditional need, as expressed by the Minister of Transport mr. C. Eurlings , BARIN, the Consumers Association and the SGC, that a consequential implementation in the EU member states has to be realised to guarantee a level playing field within the European Union. The parties involved therefore requested the Minister of Transport to do everything possible to realise such ADRA-EU committee.

On 12 November the BARIN General Assembly, after having been extensively briefed by the BASC, gave their approval on the before mentioned draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an ADRA Committee in The Netherlands and subsequently in the EU. The Minister of Transport has been informed accordingly of this BARIN approval. The Ministry of Transport, in reaction has complimented both parties with the results reached at this stage, but has also asked for a further meeting to discuss a number of items, such as the required funding arrangements. Subsequent discussions resulted on 21 November 2008 in an agreement of understanding between BARIN and the Ministry of Transport.

The Association of Consumer Complaints Boards (ACCB) has agreed to the principal starting points realising an ADRA NL and EU, as submitted by BARIN and the Consumentenbond. In January 2009 the SGC will have a detailed plan available in which they present their proposals on how they will be able to accommodate, in a facilitating/executing role and on the basis of a European perspective, the Dutch ADRA; to be used as an adequate "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA has been established in The Netherlands. The ACCB indicates to be ready for operation by the Summer Season in 2009.

At a Ministry of Transport press conference in Nieuwspoort – The Hague on 24 November 11.30 hours, the formal signing of the principle agreement by the BARIN Vice Chairman Bram Gräber and the Managing Director of the Consumentenbond Felix Cohen will take place, in presence of the Minister of Transport Camiel Eurlings, the Vice President of the European Union Antonio Tajani, the Chairman of the BARIN Government Affairs Steering Committee Coen Waasdorp, and the Director Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport Ellen Bien. A BARIN announcement has been placed on our website home page, section: "Publications"; click on: Geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland met een Europees perspectief , and a press release will be issued by the Ministry of Transport at the time of the before mentioned press conference.

* BARIN and KLM have decided to lodge a formal complaint at the NMa (Dutch Competition Authority) in respect to the AAS airport charges setting per April 2009.

*On the BARIN and SAOC recommendations for a principal change of the AAS consultation process a meeting on Schiphol Group Executive Board level will take place on 4 December.

Press Review per 23 November 2008

Update latest press clippings and publications on the homepage, button "Publications".

Click on:

ATN interview Daniel Calleja, Director Air Transport Directorate – European Commission
Nationaal vliegverbod, maar niet op zwarte EU-lijst
Akkoord bereikt over Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart
’Einde’ aan naheffing vliegbrandstof
KLM-topman jaloers op Belgen wegens afschaffing vliegbelasting
Zes landen werken samen aan efficiënter luchtverkeer
Minder vliegtaks binnen dan begroot door de het Ministerie van Financien
‘Geschillencommissie luchtvaart vanaf zomer 2009’
Ryanair staakt vluchten Maastricht om vliegtax
Geschillencommissie voor de luchtvaart in Nederland met een Europees perspectief
AEA warns environmental regulations threaten airlines’ ‘sustainability’
easyJet profit plunges as boardroom tension rises
Bush: Government should ‘make airlines more accountable’
Voorstel emissiehandel EU stap te ver
Europe’s Environmental Challenge Single European Sky by 2012
AEA wil geen emissiehandel zonder één luchtruim
Europees informatiepunt rechten vliegtuigpassagiers
easyJet wins High Court review of Gatwick Airport charges

Go to “BARIN Points of View” on industry issues & topics ..

We invite BNL readers’ contribution , by sending reactions, comments, and/or points of view , we could publish in a special column called POV (Points Of View). Send your reactions or POV’s to:

Contact BARIN Phone +31 (0) 235267207 Fax +31 (0) 235265811 Email Websites

[size=7:4239c57191]The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which also may be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you have received it in error please notify us immediately and then destroy it. Further, we make every effort to keep our network free of viruses. However, you do need to check this e-mail and any attachments to it for viruses as we can take no responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this e-mail.

BNL 17 Nov.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS Letter

By Newsletters

17 November BARIN NEWS LETTER 2008 for members, industry colleagues, associates


* For the BARIN "in cassatie" appeal at the Dutch High Court against the Dutch State, ref. the verdict of the Court of the Hague regarding BARIN’s expedite appeal against the current Ticket Tax levy by the Dutch Government, required substantiation has been provided to the Court for a forthcoming Court Hearing. Date for such a hearing not yet determined, and will be expected early next year.

* The first round of ADRA Working Group (BARIN and Consumentenbond) formal talks on setting up a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation" ( Europeese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart), chaired by SER (Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands) “Coordinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsoverleg“ Prof. H. Snijders, has been completed on 29 October .

The delegations of the BARIN, the BARIN ADRA Steering Committee (BASC) and of the Consumers Association (Consumentenbond) have debated this issue extensively since September, under the close supervision of the SER and in consultation with the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards (SGC).

The objective is that these consultations reach consensus in formulating the outlines of a joint – BARIN and Consumentenbond – draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation Committee (Geschillencommissie Luchtvaart) in the Netherlands, taking into account the explicit conditional need, as expressed by the Minister of Transport mr. C. Eurlings , BARIN, the Consumers Association and the SGC, that a consequential implementation in the EU member states has subsequentially to be realised, in order to guarantee a level playing field within the European Union. The parties involved therefore will consequentially request the Minister of Transport to do everything possible to realise such ADRA-EU Committee.

On 12 November the BARIN General Assembly has extensively been briefed by the BASC on the latest developments on these formal talks, to come to the intention of a draft principle agreement concerning the starting points for realising an ADRA Committee in The Netherlands and subsequently in the EU. Thereafter the Minister of Transport has been informed on these developments and his Ministry has called for a meeting for detailed discussions on various items in releation to this intention to come to such draft principle agreement. This meeting will take place shortly.

The Association of Consumer Complaints Boards (ACCB) has agreed to this approach to come to these starting points in order to realise an ADRA NL and EU, as to be determined by BARIN and the Consumentbond, and it will than be up to the SGC to work out a proposal to facilitate and operate, with a European perspective, the Dutch ADRA Committee; to be used as an adequate "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA has been established in The Netherlands. The ACCB indicates to be ready for operation by the Summer Season in 2009, if agreement has been reached among the key players, i.e. BARIN and the Consumentenbond, within this year.

* AAS Consultations on airport charges setting per April 2009 have taken place late September.
A formal letter of serious concern and urging recommendations for a principal change of the AAS consultation process has been send by BARIN and SAOC to the Board of the Schiphol Group(SG). A reply has, in the meantime, been received from the SG, which will be discussed in the ACG (airlines sector) meeting on 17 November. For a further follow up a meeting, at SG – BARIN- and SAOC Board level, will take place on 4 December.

*ANVR and BARIN evaluated the Code of Conduct Air Travel Offerings ( Code Reisaanbiedingen), which has been in force for over one year. As a result of the evaluation findings some adjustments have been made and were presented to the November BGA, and were approved. The plan is that the amended Code, after consensus with the Advertising Code Authority and the other parties involved, will go into effect per 2009.

Press Review per 17 November 2008

Update latest press clippings and publications on the homepage, button "Publications".

Click on:

Schiphol haalt 700 miljoen euro op
Schiphol platforms richten nieuwe vereniging op
’SCHIPHOL PROOI BUREAUCRATIE’ – Afscheid in mineur voor luchthaven-baas GERLACH CERFONTAINE – „Vliegtaks had nooit ingevoerd mogen worden”
EC: Alitalia must repay €300 million loan; sale to CAI approved
Austrian chooses Lufthansa
Ryanair Appeals 8 EU Decisions and Exposes Commission Bias
Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou – Share Transaction and Request for Appointment of two new Directors to the Board of easyJet plc
In 2 weeks 35,997 persons signed petition against Belgian government ticket tax plan
Vliegtaks duwt prijsvechter Transavia verder grens over
Airlines welcome decision by Belgian Government to drop proposals for an airline passenger tax
Belgian Government’s decision to drop its plans for an air ticket tax
Invoering vliegtaks in België gaat niet door
EU-verplichting all-in ticketprijzen van kracht
Alitalia investor targets Dec. 1 re-launch
Merged Delta unveils senior officer lineup
EU’s ‘third package’ takes effect, requires price transparency
Price transparency and improved safety: more competition and better quality for the air transport sector
Air Transport Association Chief Executive Says European Aviation Emissions Trading Scheme ‘Contrary to International Law and Bad Policy’
Kritiek op toeslagen
‘EasyJet laat zich niet van Schiphol wegjagen’
Falling demand, Iceland financial crisis claim Sterling
Lufthansa to take over bmi as Bishop cashes out
Delta-Northwest complete merger as DOJ gives okay
Vliegprogramma Weeze uitgebreid met 16 nieuwe bestemmingen
Alarming Drop for September International Traffic
IATA Blasts EU ETS Decision
Flying public faces biggest ever tax due to closed-door compromise on Emissions Trading
UFTAA en de nieuwe vliegtaks in Belgie
‘Geschillencommissie luchtvaart vanaf zomer 2009 van start.
P. Riemens benoemd tot waarnemend bestuursvoorzitter LVNL
ACI EUROPE condemns Belgian and Irish governments’ decision to introduce air passenger taxes
Belgian and Irish announcements of new passenger departure taxes lead to airline industry anger
ADP, Schiphol to form wide-ranging alliance, create ‘dual hub’
Website handtekeningen aktie tegen Belgische regeringsplan invoering Vliegbelasting heffing
Aéroports de Paris and Schiphol Group to create a leading global alliance in the airport industry
KLM-topman somber over Europese luchtvaart
Duits vliegveld floreert bij onze vliegtaks
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol to expand share in Brisbane Airport
Ticket Tax Will Damage Tourism and Devastate Shannon Says Ryanair
World Low Cost Airlines Congress 2008
Collective Madness – Travellers to Help Bail Out Bankers with New Departure Taxes
België wil ook vliegtaks invoeren
BARIN legt vliegtaks voor aan Hoge Raad
IATA unveils environment display at Schiphol Airport
No Stops to Sustainable Development in the Airline Industry – IATA-BARIN-KLM-AAS call for the right business climate to achieve sustainability
Evironment Vote adds € 6 million a year to average regional airline – says ERA
Airlines boos over voorgestelde EHS-wijzigingen
AirBridge Cargo verbindt Maastricht met Moskou en Shanghai
’Concurrentiepositie in gevaar als groei uitblijft’ – Topbedrijven willen klaarheid Schiphol

We invite BNL readers’ contribution , by sending reactions, comments, and/or points of view , we could publish in a special column called POV (Points Of View). Send your reactions or POV’s to:

Contact BARIN Phone +31 (0) 235267207 Fax +31 (0) 235265811 Email Websites ——————————————————————————–

[size=7:1a257b0454]The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named addressee only. It contains information which may be confidential and which also may be privileged. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you have received it in error please notify us immediately and then destroy it. Further, we make every effort to keep our network free of viruses. However, you do need to check this e-mail and any attachments to it for viruses as we can take no responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this e-mail.

BNL 06 Oct.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS LETTER

By Newsletters

6 October BARIN NEWS LETTER 2008

for members, industry colleagues, associates


* BARIN has decided to "go into cassation" at the Dutch High Court, against the verdict of the Court of the Hague regarding BARIN’s expedite appeal against the current Ticket Tax levy by the Dutch Government. We will keep you posted.

* As from September the ADRA Working Group (BARIN and Consumentenbond) formal talks on setting up a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation" ( Europeese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart), chaired by SER (Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands “Coordinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsoverleg“ Prof. H. Snijders, are in process.

On 24 September a meeting took place to brief the Minister of Transport on the progress made, to enable Minister Eurlings to give the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) a perspective outlook on the developments of these talks. The working group is thriving for a positive outcome by 1 November 2008.

On 26 September a (on short notice) Extraordinary BARIN General Assembly was called to give the members an intermediate briefing, and to discuss positions to be taken on a number of issues, which still need to be agreed up on with the CoBo in the coming formal ADRA talks.

On 14 and 29 October the ADRA Working Group, consisting of the BARIN-ADRA Steering Committee (in short BASC ) members Frank Allard, Niels van Antwerpen, Jochem Croon, Bram Gräber, and Coen Waasdorp and the Consumentenbond (in short CoBo) the representatives Henk Verhagen and Bas Willigenburg, will continue their formal talks, under the SER chairmanship.

The Dutch Association of Consumer Complaints Boards (ACCB) is working on a proposal to accommodate, in a facilitating/executing role and with a European perspective, the Dutch ADRA; to be used as an adequate "blue print" for implementation in the EU member states, once the ADRA has been established in The Netherlands. In case agreement will be reached in November by the ADRA Working Group, the ACCB indicates to be ready for operation by the Summer Season in 2009.

* AAS Consultations on airport charges setting per April 2009 have taken place on 18 and 23 September. Minutes of both meetings will be placed in the AAS section of the BARIN website Members’ Room, as soon as they are available. The ACG delegates will discuss their findings on 8 October We will keep you posted.

* In September BARIN and KLM have decided to file for appeal against the verdict of the Rotterdam Court regarding the objections against the NMa approval of the AAS Cost Allocation System.

*ANVR and BARIN will have a final meeting on 22 October on the evaluation the Code of Conduct Air-Travel Offerings ( Code Reisaanbiedingen), which has been in force for over one year. The evluation findings could cause some adjustments, to be applied in the Code, after consultation with Advertising Code Authority, and with consensus of the other parties involved. Completion is to be expected within this year.

* On 6 October Dutch Prime Minister J.P. Balkenende and Minister of Transport C. Eurlings attend the Annual Schiphol Dinner in the Hotel Sheraton Amsterdam Airport, organised by the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce, on personal invitation only.

"No Stops to Sustainable Development in the Airline Industry"

"Geen rem op duurzame ontwikkeling in de luchtvaart"

By initiative of the BARIN a joint pressconference will be held on 13 October by IATA, BARIN, KLM and AAS at Schiphol Airport, making use of this campaign voicing their standpoints in relation tothis important topic, and the contrasting escalating measures the Dutch Government is taking regarding the "piling" of extra charges and taxes in connection with airtransportation to and from The Netherlands.

IATA Director General & CEO Giovanni Bisignani will give a briefing on the latest world wide developments on sustainable aviation.

From a Dutch perspective KLM President & CEO Peter Hartman, BARIN Chairman Huib Gorter, and Schiphol Group Executive Vice President & CCO Maarten de Groof will address a number of relevant issues in this context.

BARIN, in cooperation with IATA and the Schiphol Group, has been instrumental in getting the IATA Airport Environment Campaign Stand on display in The Netherlands. In the AAS Departure Lounge 3 this Environment Stand will be officially opened by the IATA Director General Mr. Bisignani as part of this press gathering, and can be visited by the air travelling public for a period of two months. The stand has at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol its first appearance in Europe, after having been on display during the IATA Annual General Meeting last June at Istanbul airport.

A short description of the IATA airport stand:

The aim of the project is to explain to the general public that our industry is responsible for 2% of global CO2 emissions; that we are taking positive steps to limit these emissions in the short to medium term; and that our long term vision is to create a ‘zero emissions’ industry.

The stands consist of two curved, opposing panels forming a ‘tunnel’, suggestive of an aircraft engine. The visitor is guided on a remarkable journey from the inception of powered flight to the present day. This journey illustrates the key elements of IATA’s four-pillar strategy on the environment – focussing on technology, operations and infrastructure. Our journey extends to the future, exploring new technologies such as algae-based bio fuels, solar power and fuel cells that could provide the building blocks for developing a carbon emission-free plane in the next 50 years.

The stands are 3 metres by 6 metres and are 2.1 metres high. The base language is English along with Dutch language that is changed for the AAS location. This includes Dutch language subtitling on the films.

The stands employ user-friendly interactive technology. Touch-screens and interactive models explore and explain issues such as alternative fuel sources, revolutionary concepts in airframe and engine design, the shortening of routes and operational improvements in the airline industry.

The technology also allows us to record visitor numbers and to gauge the degree of their approval or otherwise.

Monitors are installed in the stand on which two short films are screened, explaining the emotional and rational arguments in favour of air travel.

The stand includes “Destination Zero” – essentially, ‘the film of the stand’ – which is also available in various edits for use on-line or on in-flight media. The stands are supported by some advertising in Dutch daily newspapers that reflects the same themes and is complementary to a seven in-flight magazines advertisements.

Press Review per 6 November 2008

Update latest press clippings and publications on the homepage, button "Publications".

· ’Concurrentiepositie in gevaar als groei uitblijft’ – Topbedrijven willen klaarheid Schiphol

· Reisbranche domineert webwinkel top-tien
· Overzicht van de jarenlange strijd om Schiphol vanaf 1916
· ELFAA holds its 5th Annual General Meeting in Charleroi
· Greece seeks buyers for Olympic
· Airtrade in actie tegen
· EU-US talks center on foreign ownership, cabotage
· Nederlanders ontwijken vliegtaks – Vliegvelden in België en Duitsland zien een toename van het aantal Nederlanders.
· VLM zet de puntjes op de “i” inzake de ecologische impact van de luchtvaart
· Voor het eerst miljoenste passagier op Weeze
· Olympic Airlines will be shut down and restarted as Pantheon Airways
· European consolidation continues; Lufthansa to take over Brussels Airlines
· Boeing: Biofuel research pace ‘remarkable,’ could partially power flights by 2013
· EasyJet roept Balkenende op alle passagiers gelijk te behandelen
· Rechter wijst opschorting van betaling aan Alitalia af
· EC to take closer look at Martinair takeover by AF KLM
· AF KLM seeks to ‘be present’ in consolidation, eyes stakes in Austrian, Alitalia
· IATA, EUROCONTROL and CANSO Commit to Efficiency Plan
· Brussel wil overname Martinair door KLM verder onderzoeken
· ANVR eist opschorting betalingen aan Alitalia
· IATA predicts bleak times
· Branson Eyes London Gatwick Airport

P.S. Mid September the BARIN Executive Office has been out of e-mail reach due to some electronic network disturbances. We managed to retrieve a fair amount of email traffic addressed to BARIN, but not all. In case you have send emails to us around that period and did not receive a requested reaction, please be so kind to send your message once again. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We invite BNL readers’ contribution , by sending reactions, comments, and/or points of view , we could publish in a special column called POV (Points Of View). Send your reactions or POV’s to:


Contact BARIN Phone +31 (0) 235267207 Fax +31 (0) 235265811 Email Websites


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