

BNL 30 Jun.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS LETTER

By Newsletters


BNL 30 JuN.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS LETTER

A. The June BARIN General Assembly gave a mandate to start talks on setting up a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation” ( Europese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart). The Minister of Transport, Mr. C.Eurlings, reported on this topic to the Dutch Parliament, giving BARIN a leading role in establishing the ADRA in a self regulated manner…read more>> .

A BARIN-ADRA Steering Committee, consisting of Frank Allard, Niels van Antwerpen, Jochem Croon, Bram Gräber, and Coen Waasdorp will soon start the formal talks with the Consumer Association ( Consumenten Bond) with the objective to set up a self -regulated ADRA in The Netherlands, as a blueprint for an ADRA in all EU members states.For these talks the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) … more>> and the Association of Consumer Complaints Boards are available in a facilitating role…read more>>

B. On 1 July 2008 the Dutch Govermental Air Passenger Departure Tax (TKT TAX) levy by the Dutch airports will commence , below the listing of the countries the Air Passenger Tax amount of €11.25 is applicable for. For destinations in all other countries a taxation of €45.00 applies. Departing passengers from all Dutch airports, not being in transit, are taxed accordingly.

All EU countries (territory in Europe)
Non EU countries




Bosnia and Herzegovina

Czech Republic






Great Britain


Russia, west of Ural









Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira




Spain,including the Canary Islands


C. An evaluation of the existing ALL INCLUSIVE CODE on Travel Offerings is currently carried out by BARIN and ANVR in cooperation with the Advertising Code Authority and in consultation with Dutch Consumer Authority. New EU regulations on Unfair Trading Practices (Oneerlijke Handels Praktijken -OHP) will be taken into account.

D. Tomorrow 1 July representatives of the Workers Counsels of the home carriers KLM, Martinair and will present a formal petition against the Ticket Tax to the Chairman of the Permanent Committees of Finance and Transport of the Dutch Parliament, expressing their concern.
Dinsdag 1 juli 2008 Aanbieding petitie : 13:15 tot ca. 13:30 uur in de Statenpassage Den Haag,
26 juni 2008. Aan: De leden en plaatsvervangende leden van de vaste commissie voor Financiën vaste commissie voor Verkeer en Waterstaat Vergadering van Uw commissies op: dinsdag 1 juli 2008 van 13.15 tot ca. 13.30 uur
De voorzitter van de vaste commissie voor Financiën zal op bovenvermelde datum een petitie in ontvangst nemen uit handen van de ondernemingsraden van KLM, van Martinair en van Transavia over de over de vliegbelasting (zie bijlage, Fin0800361).
Namens de voorzitter nodig ik u uit hierbij aanwezig te zijn Lokatie: Statenpassage
Wnd. griffier : Mevr. D. Vente

E. On the 1 July the District Court of Rotterdam verdict regarding the BARIN/SAOC and KLM objections filed against the NMA approval of the AAS ( Aviation -Non Aviation) Cost Allocation System, is to be expected.

F. On 3 July the BARIN Expedite Appeal Oral Pleadings against TKT. TAX will take place at the District Court in The Hague at 09.30 hours….read more>>

4 Press Review per 30 June 2008
Update latest press clippings and publications on the PUBLIC homepage, button “Publications”.
Click on:
-IATA zegt: Basta!
-Schoon luchtruim – Ook vliegen heeft zijn prijs
-European Parliament reaches ETS agreement, includes non-EU airlines from 2012
-Vliegtaks en crisis kosten miljoenen – Schiphol groeit niet langer
-‘Balkenende-IV is verslaafd aan belastingen’
-AF KLM, Cathay, SAS agree to cargo antitrust guilty pleas, criminal fines
-Halfjaarbericht LVNL naleving milieuregels schiphol: geen overschrijdingen
-A Step Forward On SES
-European airlines welcome European Commission’s proposal to speed up Single European Sky
-Europe Must Abandon ‘Tunnel-Vision’ On Emissions Trading
-Europese luchtvaart vanaf 2012 in emissiehandelsysteem
-Dure kerosine drijft luchtvaart in het nauw
-Hotelketen op Curaçao vergoedt vliegtaks
-European regulators examine online ads
-Invloed vliegtax op ticket zeer merkbaar
-Brandstofprijzen en vliegtoeslagen beïnvloeden vakantiegedrag
-IT Solutions Needed to Battle Crisis

We invite the BNL readers’ contribution , by sending reactions, comments, and/or points of view , we could publish in a special column called POV (Points Of View). Send your reactions or POV’s to:

Please tell us if you know other industry colleagues interested in receiving this BNL. If you are no longer interested in receiving our BNL, please also let us know.

BNL 19 Jun.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWSLETTER

By Newsletters

BNL 19 Jun.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS LETTER

This is the 1st edition of the BARIN electronic News Letter ,in short called BNL in this new format, and will be issued regularly with leader-updates on current topics and developments.
We invite our members, industry colleagues, and associates to participate in this BNL, by sending reactions, and/or points of view , which will published in a special column called POV (Points Of View). Send your reactions or POV’s to:

1.BARIN completed orientation talks on plans for a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation” ( Europese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart). The Minister of Transport, Mr. C.Eurlings, reported on this topic to the Dutch Parliament giving BARIN a leading role in establising the ADRA in a selfregulated manner…read more>> .

On 24 June the BARIN General Assembly will fully briefed on the findings and requested to mandate the BARIN-ADRA Steering Committee to start talks with the Consumer Association ( Consumenten Bond) with the objective to set up a self -regulated ADRA in The Netherlands, as a blueprint for an ADRA in all EU members states..
For these talks the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER) … more>> and the Association of Consumer Complaints Boards are available in a facilitating role…read more>>

2. Culpable Offence Fines Regulations. By verdict the Amsterdam Court of Justice agrees with the objections, filed by the BARIN attorneys Mr. Willem Russell and Mr. Jurrien Pen and individual airlines concerned, against these regulation. The imposed fines as from 2006, will be withdrawn. For the verdict (in Dutch)…. read more>>

3. The BARIN attorneys Mr. H.J. de Ru and Mr. R.J. Tjittes will present the Expedite Appeal Oral Pleadings against TKT. TAX on 3 July at 09.30 hours at the District Court in The Hague ….read more>>

NS-Hispeed has been granted BARIN Preferred Supplier-ship
… read more>>

Press Review per 19 June 2008
Update latest press clippings and publications on the homepage, button “Publications”.
Click on:
• Veertien procent van de reizende Nederlanders betaalt geen vliegtaks
• ATA: US airline losses could near $10 billion this year
• Lufthansa stelt doelen om CO2-emissies te reduceren
• KLM-topman Hartman met brandbrief ‘beetje voorbarig’ ??
• Met flesje water langs de douane kan straks weer
• Eurlings: afrekenen met beeld van luchtvaart als grote vervuiler
• Noodkreet KLM-topman Hartman aan de politiek
• Jos Nijhuis to succeed Gerlach Cerfontaine as President & CEO of Schiphol Group
• Airbus-topman hekelt vliegtaksen
• Luchtvaart trekt fel van leer
• Kabinet kiepert luchtvaart over de schutting
• Vluchthavens ready for take-off
• Air France president: Latest EU ETS proposal treats airlines as ‘idiots’
• Sky International verhevigt verzet vliegtax
• Belangstelling touroperators voor Weeze
• Luchthaven Charleroi expandeert dankzij Waalse en Europese steun
• Toerisme stort in
• Groei CheapTickets door vliegtax
• D-reizen: drie keer zo veel Nederlanders vliegen vanaf Duitsland
• Cry wolf!!
• Reclame Code Commissie tikt Ryanair op vingers na klacht ANVR
• AEA Assembly nominates Ivan Mistetic as Chairman-Elect
• Royal Jordanian’s Majali is New IATA Chairman,
• Industry Leaders Agree To Historic Declaration ‘Governments Need To Take Responsibility’
• Fuel Crisis a Catalyst for Change
• Crisis Again Deep Losses Projected
• Industry Bids Farewell to Paper Ticket

BNL 07 Jul.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS LETTER

By Newsletters

BNL 7 Jul.08 – BARIN e-mail NEWS LETTER

* A Kick Of meeting on setting up a European and National ADRA “Alternative Dispute Resolution for Aviation" ( Europeese en Nationale Geschillen Commissie Luchtvaart) is planned on 16 July. The first (constituerend overleg) meeting of the ADRA Working Group, facilitated by the SER (Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands), will take place late August – early September. BARIN has accepted the recommendation of the so- called “ SER Coordinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsoverleg“ to appoint Prof. H.Snijders, as the independent Chairman of the ADRA Working Group.

The ADRA Working Group will consist of the BARIN-ADRA Steering Committee (in short BASC ) members Frank Allard, Niels van Antwerpen, Jochem Croon, Bram Gräber, and Coen Waasdorp and the representatives of the Consumer Association (Consumenten Bond) Mr. Henk Verhagen and Mr. Bas Willigenburg. They will meet, under the chairmanship of Prof. Snijders, late August-early September for the first working session, on the basis of the set scope, as outlined at the last BGA in June, with the objective of setting up a self -regulated ADRA in The Netherlands, to serve as a blueprint for an ADRA in all EU members states. The Dutch Foundation of Consumer Complaints Boards is available to accommodate the Dutch ADRA in a facilitating role, and they will inform us in a meeting on 14 July about their conditions.

* The BARIN versus the State of The Netherlands expedite appeal against the Ticket Tax took place on 3 July at the District Court of The Hague. You will find the "pleitnota" (plea note) in the Members’ Room, section "BARIN Points of View". The verdict is to be expected on 31 July 2008.

* BARIN Executive Board Member Lawrence Fong is saying goodbye. By the end of June he will return to Hong Kong, taking up a new post at the CX Head Office. Andy Wong will be his successor as Country Manager Benelux & Scandinavia for Cathay Pacific Airways Limited.
We like to thank Lawrence for his professional input and contribution rendered to the BARIN, and wish him lots of success.

* Press Review per 7 July 2008
Update latest press clippings and publications on the public homepage, button "Publications".

-Tarieven schieten omhoog – Schiphol prijst zich uit de markt
-VAKANTIEVLUCHT – Tickettaks drijft reizigers naar Belgie en Duitsland
-31 juli uitspraak spoed-appèl vliegtax
-Forse terugval passagiers Eindhoven Airport
-Prijsoorlog teistert reisbranche
-Passagier en milieu slechter af door staatskasvullende ticketheffing
-Schiphol Airport bevestigt ‘crisissituatie’ door wegblijven passagiers
-Duur Schiphol verkeert in crisis
-OR’s KLM, Martinair en op fiets naar Binnenhof (foto’s)
-Vliegtaks drukt vluchten Easyjet door tickettax al 154 pct meer buitenlands vertrek
-easyJet: tickettax kost ons 200.000 passagiers
-Works Councils of KLM, and Martinair present petition against Dutch Ticket Tax to Parliament
-Luchtvaart en Milieudefensie strijden in Den Haag om aandacht politiek
-Personeel airlines biedt anti-vliegtax petitie aan

We welcome BNL readers’ contribution , by sending reactions, comments, and/or points of view , we may publish in a special column called POV (Points Of View) in a next BNL edition. Send your reactions or POV’s to:

We wish you a great sunny Summer Holiday !

Please tell us if you know other industry colleagues interested in receiving this BNL. If you are no longer interested in receiving the BNL, please also let us know.

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